I would like to talk about exam ?
Why we should take an examination ?
Why ? why ? and Why ?
Bila dah ada exam of course la kan kena study .
Part nak study tu adalah part yang paling mengugat mental dan fizikal.
This is the part that can make most of the students get crazy .
And this also happened to me..
Situation before enter the DEWAN PEPERIKSAAN.
People : Korang GOODLUCK tau .
Situation when exam
People : Aku ada baca bab ni . Tapi aku lupa.
Fikir , fikir and fikir sampai nak terkoyak paper exam tu . haha .
Situation after the Exam
People : Wei korang mcm mne tadi ? Ok tak ? Soalan no 1 tu kan mcm bla bla bla bla bla ......
Situasi2 like this of course la kan korang pernah hadapi jugak .
And also me . Arghhh ...
The part that I really hated is When people discussed about the paper .
Asl sebelum masuk exam tak habaq awal2 . Kan senang .
Ni Nasi dah jadi bubur . Tak guna dah babe .
So aku nak ingatkan kepada semua students and also ME .
Pengalaman yang Lepas jangan kita ulangkan .
( Padahal setiap kali exam situasi belajar last minute mmg sering terjadi )
Lots of Love
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