Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Kucing Kesayangan

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone :)

Are you feeling well today? Me? I'm fine. 
I would like to share something about my beloved cat. Only cat. 
Actually it is not my pet. It is belong to my special boyfriend. But I am also keeping the cat a few times. And I am already falling in love with the cat. 
Even I selalu kena cakar dengan dia time main2. Tetap sayang.

So I presented 'Mueeza' the cat. 

Cute kan? That's why I'm falling in love with Mueeza very much. 
Nakal dia baq hang, suka main tangan. Habis calar tangan kena gigit dengan dia. 
Sabar je la. But it is fun actually. Relieve my stress when I'm playing with Mueeza. 
Dengan keletah dia comel2 tu. And the part that I love it so much is bila dia panjang kan leher dia. 
Ya Allah, betapa comelnya dia masa tu. Haha. Now I miss Mueeza very much sekali dengan tuan2 dia sekali. Nanti kita jumpa lagi okay sayang. Cepat2 besar boleh buat anak. Haha. Naughty sangat. 

So that's all for today. After this I will share about how to know feelings cat. 


1 comment:

Sha Mohamed said...

Suka kucing tp x berani bela..hehehe..Akak nie penggeli..