Thursday, July 30, 2015

Segmen: Kuih Raya Kegemaran Saya

Assalamualaikum semua :)


Kuih raya kegemaran zahiya adalah Cornflakes !

Kuih ni setiap tahun my mum akan buat. 
Sampai kena tolong. 
Paling banyak kotak cornflakes yang kteorg buat dalam 10 kotak kot.
Byk kan? Manis sgt. Sebab my mum tak kedekut madu. 
Order? org yang selalu order je la kteorg buat. Kalau nak order pun boleh. 

Topup Mini Giveaway By Cik Mimie

Assalamualaikum and hello semua :)

Hari ni kita join satu giveaway topup ini. 
So kalau korang nak join pun boleh jugak. Sebab syarat dia sangat senang okay.

Pergi link ni kalau nak JOIN -->>  Topup Mini Giveaway by Cik Mimie

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Assalamualaikum and hello everyone :)

This time I would like to share about my travel to Singapore last a few days. 
It was an exciting holiday with my beloved aunty with her children. And also with my sisters and my cousin. We went there by plane that was just take less than 1 hour to reach at there.
We're taking our flight in the morning. Because it is easy to walk around the city. 

Here is our first flight to Singapore. We took a flight airasia.
"EVERYONE CAN FLY". Cewahh iklan jap. Hehe.

Okay now, this is the hotel that we stayed for a two days.
It is just nice to stayed. I don't know how much it costs for one night.
You guys can check by online on their website maybe.

Gambar bawah ni, kiteorg masuk USS. This is the second time I went there.
Masuk lagi kat USS ni pun sbb kakak and cousin nak masuk.
So pergi je lah. Still have fun lagi.


For the second day, we went for a walk around singapore.
Such as in the morning, we're having a breakfast at Geylang Serai. 
Geylang Serai is the place where you can found a Malay food. (Lupa nak tgkap gmbr)
The food is just nice and delicious. 

Okay after that we went to Bugis Street. 
Bugis Street is the place where you can shopping a lot of stuff.
If in the Malaysia, this place is like a Petaling Street. 

Banyak kteorg shopping. 


 Actually there is a few places that we can't went there because not enough time. 
Maybe after this we want to go to the places that we can't go this time. 

So if I travel and visiting the good place, I will share with you guys.
Mana tau korang nak pergi tempat yang menarik ke.


Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Assalamualaikum and hello everyone :)

Jom reramai join segmen. Bantu membantu antara blogger. Hehe.

Segmen ni tamat malam ni. So you still have a time to join. 


Friday, July 24, 2015




FeecaMella Raya 2015 Giveaway

 Assalamualaikum and hello everyone :)

Setelah sekian lama tak join Giveaway. So nak mencuba nasib cikit. Hehe. Kengkawan nak join pun boleh jugak. 

Kawankawan hanya perlu jawab 1 soalan mudah and berpeluang untuk menang 
giveaway awesome dari kami :)
Boleh lah dapat duit raya and bergaya dengan FeecaMella dalam bulan Raya ni.
Raya kan Sebulan. Sempat lagi nak bercantik-cantik :) 
Giveaway bermula dari 23 July 2015
and berakhir pada 31 July 2015
Pemenang akan diumumkan di blog ini and FeecaMella Instagram
pada 2 hari berikutnya 2 August 2015 :)
Syarat-Syarat Wajib Penyertaan : 
1. Tulis entry yang bertajuk "FeecaMella Raya 2015 Giveaway"
-----> (Copy & Paste kandungan entry ini)
2. Follow blog ini, Aynal Mansor
3. Follow Instagram @FeecaMella 
4. Like Facebook FeecaMella
Soalan :
1. Pada Tahun Bilakah FeecaMella Ditubuhkan?
----> Nak tahu Jawapan mudah ada di Entry Ini :))

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Assalamualaikum and hello everyone :)

Today is my special day which is my birthday.
I'm officially 22. Baru 22tahun. Masih jauh perjalanan dalam hidup yang penuh dengan dugaan.
Semoga diri ini akan terus tabah dalam menjalani kehidupan pada hari-hari mendatang.
Semoga terus success dengan apa yang dilakukan. 
Semoga diri ini tidak akan cepat mengalah dan akan terus berjuang sehingga berjaya memperolehi apa yang dikehendaki. 

My Next Mission:

1. Road to Graduation for my Bachelor's Degree.
2. Find a job.
3. Be a good daughter (more better than before)
4. Get married.
5. Travel with my future husband.
6. Going to Mecca.

 So, I hope I can archieve what I want. 

Next post -->> Travel to Singapore

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Kucing Kesayangan

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone :)

Are you feeling well today? Me? I'm fine. 
I would like to share something about my beloved cat. Only cat. 
Actually it is not my pet. It is belong to my special boyfriend. But I am also keeping the cat a few times. And I am already falling in love with the cat. 
Even I selalu kena cakar dengan dia time main2. Tetap sayang.

So I presented 'Mueeza' the cat. 

Cute kan? That's why I'm falling in love with Mueeza very much. 
Nakal dia baq hang, suka main tangan. Habis calar tangan kena gigit dengan dia. 
Sabar je la. But it is fun actually. Relieve my stress when I'm playing with Mueeza. 
Dengan keletah dia comel2 tu. And the part that I love it so much is bila dia panjang kan leher dia. 
Ya Allah, betapa comelnya dia masa tu. Haha. Now I miss Mueeza very much sekali dengan tuan2 dia sekali. Nanti kita jumpa lagi okay sayang. Cepat2 besar boleh buat anak. Haha. Naughty sangat. 

So that's all for today. After this I will share about how to know feelings cat. 


Monday, July 6, 2015


Assalamualaikum and hello everyone :)

Today, I nak share dengan u olls semua kebaikan dan khasiat yang ada pada ALOE VERA.
Lately, I have been using products made from Aloe Vera Gel. Why do I use this? Lately because my skin feels dry, lifeless, seemed tired. And let us see the goodness of Aloe Vera.

1.  Aloe Vera is great for moisturizing. 
  •  It is used as a moisturizer by women who use mineral make-up regularly. Aloe Vera is very suitable to be used on the face. (p/s: Guna sebelum pakai make-up). 
  •  For men: Can be used before shaving.
2.  Aloe Vera is good for treating acne.
  • Has antimicrobial  properties that kill bacteria and anti-inflammatory to reduce skin inflammation. It allows the skin to heal quickly and naturally with minimal scarring. Aloe vera is a skin moisturizing but not greasy taste, so it is suitable for those who have oily skin.   
3.  Aloe Vera helps fight common problems of aging skin.
  • Vitamin c and E are present in aloe vera gel can improve our skin naturally and keep our skin hydrated from.
4.  Aloe Vera can reduce vision 'stretch marks'.
  • This signs appear due to small tears in the skin caused by sudden and excessive strain. Gel Aloe Vera can help hide stretch marks in wound healing.
5.  Aloe Vera can be used to treat sunburn.
  • It is also acts as a protective layer on the skin and help add moisture. When the skin is hydrated, it will recover faster than sunburn.  

So this is the products that I've been used !